ACCESS to Launch Its First Summer School


ACCESS launches its first Summer School from June to July this year! The Summer School serves as a unique platform to encourage exchanges between ACCESS PG Students of local/ overseas collaborating universities and our research teams (including researchers, engineers and architects) on innovative ideas as well as research experience related to ACCESS research programs. Also to broaden their perspectives via invaluable sharing by distinguished ACCESS faculties and invited scholars from the world’s top-notch universities.

This year, our Summer School program features six master lectures delivered by distinguished scholars and two interactive sharing sessions of PG Students from collaborating universities, and the first two master lectures had received overwhelmed response from our research members! We look forward to joining with all ACCESS Community members for this transformative learning experience!


Program Speakers Date (Time)
HK Time (GMT+8)


Master Lecture –
Multi-Bit Content-Addressable Non-Volatile Memories

More details:

Prof. Sharon HU,
University of Notre Dame (U of ND)
12 June
(10:00 - 11:30am)
Rm 2405, 2/F (Lift 17, 18), Academic Building, HKUST


Master Lecture
Space and Time Co-Optimization in Electronic Design Automation

More details:

Prof. Jason CONG,
University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)
20 June
(2:00 - 3:30pm)
Lee Wing Tat Lecture Theater (LT-D), HKUST


PGS Sharing Session –
TSB: Tiny Shared Block for Efficient DNN Deployment on NVCIM Accelerators

Mr. Yifan QIN,
U of ND
27 June
(10:00 – 11:00am)
Unit 801, 8/F, 17W, ACCESS, HKSP


PGS Sharing Session –
On-Device Personalized AI for Health

Dr. Zhenge JIA,
U of ND
28 June
(10:00 – 11:00am)
Unit 801, 8/F, 17W, ACCESS, HKSP


Large-scale AI Chip and System Workshop

Prof. Fengbin TU, HKUST
& Invited Faculties
9 July
(9:00am – 12:15pm)
Unit 801, 8/F, 17W, ACCESS, HKSP


HKUST-HKUST(GZ) Joint EDA Workshop

Prof. Zhiyao XIE, HKUST
& Invited Faculties
9 July
(1:30 - 5:00pm)
Unit 801, 8/F, 17W, ACCESS, HKSP


Master Lecture – Algorithm-Architecture Centric Approach Towards Energy Efficient AI Hardware

More details:

Prof. Masato MOTOMURA,
Tokyo Institute of Technology
23 July
(10:00 - 11:30am)
Rm 2405, 2/F (Lift 17, 18), Academic Building, HKUST


Master Lecture
From Laboratory to Venture: The Importance of Leadership Skill in Entrepreneurship

Prof. Mansun CHAN,
25 July
(9:30 – 11:00am)
Unit 801, 8/F, 17W, ACCESS, HKSP

