智能晶片與系統研發中心首個暑期學院(ACCESS Summer School)課程今年6月至7月正式啟動!暑期學院旨在為ACCESS研發團隊提供專屬平台,讓中心的本地及海外協作大學研究生與中心研發團隊 (包括研究員、工程師和晶片架構師等)有機會作深入交流,分享與研究計劃相關的創新理念、經驗和挑戰。同時,透過ACCESS教授團隊和來自世界頂尖大學學者的寶貴分享,進一步拓寬團隊的視野,推動研發工作持續發展。
Program | Speakers | Date (Time) HK Time (GMT+8) |
Venue |
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Master Lecture – More details: https://calendar.hkust.edu.hk/events/department-electronic-and-computer-engineering-seminar-multi-bit-content-addressable-non |
Prof. Sharon HU, University of Notre Dame (U of ND) |
12 June (10:00 - 11:30am) |
Rm 2405, 2/F (Lift 17, 18), Academic Building, HKUST |
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Master Lecture – More details: https://ias.hkust.edu.hk/events/space-and-time-co-optimization-in-electronic-design-automation |
Prof. Jason CONG, University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) |
20 June (2:00 - 3:30pm) |
Lee Wing Tat Lecture Theater (LT-D), HKUST |
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PGS Sharing Session – |
Mr. Yifan QIN, U of ND |
27 June (10:00 – 11:00am) |
Unit 801, 8/F, 17W, ACCESS, HKSP |
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PGS Sharing Session – |
Dr. Zhenge JIA, U of ND |
28 June (10:00 – 11:00am) |
Unit 801, 8/F, 17W, ACCESS, HKSP |
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Prof. Fengbin TU, HKUST & Invited Faculties |
9 July (9:00am – 12:15pm) |
Unit 801, 8/F, 17W, ACCESS, HKSP | |
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Prof. Zhiyao XIE, HKUST & Invited Faculties |
9 July (1:30 - 5:00pm) |
Unit 801, 8/F, 17W, ACCESS, HKSP | |
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Master Lecture – Algorithm-Architecture Centric Approach Towards Energy Efficient AI Hardware More details: https://calendar.hkust.edu.hk/events/department-electronic-and-computer-engineering-seminar-algorithm-architecture-centric |
Prof. Masato MOTOMURA, Tokyo Institute of Technology |
23 July (10:00 - 11:30am) |
Rm 2405, 2/F (Lift 17, 18), Academic Building, HKUST |
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Master Lecture – |
Prof. Mansun CHAN, HKUST |
25 July (9:30 – 11:00am) |
Unit 801, 8/F, 17W, ACCESS, HKSP |